Admit it, you feel untethered when you forget your cell phone at home. At Cell Everything, an interactive one-night event at Vermillion Gallery, you’ll have your phone—but still may end up feeling a little at sea. “You’ll walk in and see 50 black and white numbers on the wall,” explains organizer Greg Lundgren. Choose a number, dial, and see what happens. Lundgren has brought together visual and performing artists, actors, writers, and musicians, who will entertain, intrigue, and discomfit you on the other end of the line. You might dial up performance artists SuttonBeresCuller (each acting separately), DK Pan or Nicole Grant, sound and light artist Iole Alessandrini, painters Rich and Sarah Lehl, or lounge crooner April Kling. As Lundgren explains, both artists and participants will have the opportunity to “work outside of what their personality and what their social identity is.” You might simply be engaged in conversation with a perfect stranger, or you might be asked to leave the gallery and meet the artist at another venue. It is sort of like reverse crank calling. Perhaps there will be a recording of a theatrical work or a prose piece, or maybe you will be sung to. Even Lundgren doesn’t know what to expect. “I’m there to make sure that nothing terrible happens,” Lundgren explains. “I spend a lot of time carrying arock up to the top of the hill. The night of the opening, I just give it a push and back away from it. I’m gonna be dialing like everyone else.”
Ill See This: Call for Art
Cell Everything at Vermillion Gallery.