
Friday, November 16

After a lengthy tour with their labelmates, indie-hop giants Atmosphere, Grayskul return for the first time since their release party in September pushing their groundbreaking Bloody Radio, a stellar follow up to 2005’s Deadlivers on Rhymesayers. Grayskul consistently raise the bar on creativity both in making music as well as their live performance. In true b-boy fashion, details are never brushed over with their meticulous nature, evident in everything from the sound system and lighting to their stage theatrics. One can never front on 206Hop’s real life superheroes, Grayskul’s Onry Ozzborn and JFK, of the Oldominion crew.

Listen to Grayskul’s “Prom Quiz.”

var so = new SWFObject(“”, “theSWF”, “91”, “32”, “8”, “#FFFFFF” ); so.write( “player” );

Fri., Nov. 16, 9 p.m., 2007