If you havent yet viewed Anxious Objects: Willie Coles Favorite Brands, showing through September 3, tonights party is the perfect opportunity. Soul to Sole: Art and Stories of Music, Food, and Anxious Objects celebrates the exhibit with African music from KEXP DJ Jon Kertzer, a discussion on the links between food and community with Marjorie owner Donna Moodie, and a conversation between New Jersey-based artist Cole and Pamela McClusky, SAMs curator of African and Oceanic art. Their talk should be as fascinating as Coles artworks on display. Mimicking African art such as headdresses and masks through time-textured objects like high-heeled shoes and bike parts, Coles references are recognizable, but filtered through his personal experience and family history. One sculpture shows two lawn jockeys facing offone adorned with cowrie-shell eyes and holding a wooden cross, the other with mirrored eyes and a knife in hand. You learn from the placard that they represent the domestic tools and characteristics associated with slaverywith the roles of field (Coles fathers family) and house (Coles mothers family) Negroes. Another piece, Stowageone of many using the distinct patterns of steam irons burned into paperrecreates an image of the slave ship Brooks, with twelve patterns indicating the twelve tribes on board. Learning from Cole himself about these ingenious tributes will be something not to miss.
Friday at the Frye
Art Party