Disclaimer: this blurb is as graphic as the show! Tonights last Jet City venue performance of this adult-content improv show, toured internationally by Ethan Newberry and Justin Sund, is impossible to describe without being vulgar. Audience suggestions, taken from dreams, range from taint dance to sexual tyrannosaurus. From there, Newberry and Sund make their dreams come true via wildly offensive and downright abusive tangents: stunts like taunting an emo-coiffed observer by joking about injecting Elliott Smith into his scrotum, or threatening menstruation on a female audience members face. Be warned that the mocking of pro-choice politics or of the mentally handicapped is not off limits. And neither is your face, as you may get a cupcake thrown at it in the dark theater. What can you expect for this last University Theater performance? Among other things, the screening of fan videos from their Cupcake film contest. (Cupcakes final farewell show will be an all-ages gig with Blake Lewis band AriSawkaDoria at the Triple Door on Sept. 7.) Sat., Aug. 25, midnight