Buttrock Suites

Saturday, February 2

Can you think of any venue in town that’s less buttrock than the Triple Door, where live shows are often accompanied by the clinking of forks on plates from the adjoining Asian-themed Wild Ginger restaurant? Wasabi sure does clear the sinuses, but you likely won’t find anyone snorting it off of a set of naked boobs in the bathroom of this classy joint. But tonight, sensational ’80s show Buttrock Suites is taking over with more than enough spandex and big hair to eclipse the surroundings. The now annual production (last year’s was held at the more rock-appropriate Neumo’s) features local dancers/choreographers Diana Cardiff, Bob Gregory, Pam Gregory, Jana Hill, Matt Mulkerin, and Juliet Waller Pruzan performing their creations to the thrash of live ’80s buttrock, including era-appropriate artists like the Scorpions, Def Leppard, and Van Halen. Wok on. AJA PECKNOLD

Listen to a sample of The Buttrock Suites’ “Sister Christian.”

var so = new SWFObject(“http://media.seattleweekly.com/players/vvmMiniPlayer.swf?audioFile=http://media.newtimes.com/id/1864877/&autoPlay=no”, “theSWF”, “91”, “32”, “8”, “#FFFFFF” ); so.write( “player” );

Sat., Feb. 2, 7:30 & 10 p.m., 2008