It’s worth remembering that as somber and affecting as the best of Will Oldham’s songs as Bonnie Prince Billy are, the man is an entertainer, a performer, an actor before he ever found fame as a singer. That doesn’t make his songs any more or less genuine—everything on stage is an act, but that doesn’t mean it’s not heartfelt—but maybe it helps to make sense of when Oldham goofs around with Zach Galifinakis for a Kanye West video or, as he did last month, re-makes his old soul-crushing acoustic ballad “I See a Darkness” as a jaunty Southern strut, complete with video of himself dancing down a cobblestoned street, face and beard comically powdered, eyes impossibly screwed up and crossed with special effects. Even beyond his many aliases, the man is large; he contains multitudes. ERIC GRANDY
Mon., June 11, 7 p.m., 2012