Akimbo have been around LITERALLY forever. They started the band as actual babies (don’t believe me, just look at their tiny-child faces on their debut split with Teen Cthulu from 1999). They have run through seven guitarists (hold your Spinal Tap jokes) and sacrificed five tour vans to the road. Over the course of a half-dozen albums, they evolved from pimply teenage thrash dudes to an incredibly heavy shredding machine, with Animal-from-the-Muppets Natt Damm on drums and bassist/bellower Jon Weisnewski as the band’s constant core. Tonight, they play their last show. The split was boring and amicable, according to the band, and Damm and Weisnewski will continue to play together in Sandrider. Akimbo dies as it lived: crushing. With Brothers of the Sonic Cloth, Bitches Crystal. ERIC GRANDY
Sat., Aug. 11, 9 p.m., 2012