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Yes, improvisers make it up as they go along, but there’s a lot involved in that “going along” part. Local artists Sheri Cohen (pictured), Tonya Lockyer, and Stephanie Skura all use improvisation as part of their creative practice, either to generate new material for set choreography or as direct performance. At this inside-the-head-of-the-artist event, they’ll talk about the methods they use to jump-start the process, and discuss the unique kind of schizophrenia caused by both doing the dance and watching it at the same time. The evening is sponsored by Kick, the new organization designed to “forge connections between dance artists, audiences, presenters, and organizations.” Freehold Theater, 915 E. Pine St., second floor, 206-328-2506. Free. 7 p.m. Sun. Aug. 8.