In a gallery that’s about to close after a 22-year run, the images by local photographer Michael Van Horn are appropriately empty and forlorn. There are traces of people who’ve left or might reenter the frame; their handiwork includes Post-It Notes affixed to a car’s windshield, a bit of directional tape left on the ground, a glowing sign facing a vacant parking lot where no one will read its message. There’s an airless mood of melancholy to these large color prints. Study them too long, and you feel like the gallery space around you has been emptied of people, too, like a void facing a void. Also on display, work by fellow staff members of the UW Photomedia Program: Paul Berger, Rebecca Cummins, and Ellen Garvens. BRIAN MILLER
Wednesdays-Saturdays, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Starts: Nov. 4. Continues through Dec. 5, 2009