The Sloop Tavern is a workaday watering hole near the Ballard Locks that will never be confused with the likes of Neumo’s or the Capitol Club. But the Slooop does sponsor an entirely legit yacht club. Started 30 years ago for “live-aboards who just kind of wanted to race and cruise casually,” according to Commodore Kirk Utter, the STYC, in conjunction with the equally informal Shilshole Bay Yacht Club (unofficially headquartered a few blocks east on Market at the Yankee Diner), sponsors a 22-race schedule, highlighted by an early-May Port Townsend-and-back regatta/booze bender designed to counteract highfalutin Seattle Yacht Club’s opening day. Oh, right, about the tavern itself—it’s essentially a yummy fried-food cafeteria for local sailors and maritime workers that pours 33.8-ounce “Sloopersize” drafts of Rainier for $3.75, which is pretty tough to beat. 2830 N.W. Market St., 206-782-3330.
Sloop Tavern