Paul McQ.You can “play ugly” and “win ugly,” but does it help in football to “be ugly,” literally? Does a big bad mug give a player an edge? If so, three Seattle Seahawks supposedly have it. No team has more of the league’s all-time ugliest players than the current Hawks, according to sports web site Hawks safety Atari Bigby is #9 on the list, running back Marshawn Lynch is #4, and offensive lineman Paul McQuistan is #1 (his twin brother Pat McQuistan of Miami is #2). The list seems a bit mean-spirited and certainly debatable (anyone care to debate the 6’6″, 315-pound McQ?).The list, which is getting chatted up around town, was compiled by Bleachers blogger Matt Stein, who says the NFLers he picked are “phenomenal athletes who value something more than their reflection in the mirror”–their talents, apparently.But some on the list–Michael Strahan and Aaron Moorehead, for example–seem among the least qualified. And Refrigerator Perry is supposed to be an awfully nice guy for someone the size of a Kenmore.Stein. Others appear to have earned their rankings due mainly to missing or gapped teeth. In the end, the list comes off more as an excuse to belittle the McQ brothers–from afar, of course, as sports bloggers tend to do.Stein, in defense of his selections, does allow that he himself would likely make a top-10 ugly list if it were about sportswriters. He has a point:Follow The Daily Weekly on Facebook and Twitter.