The problem with Portland garage-punk rock band the Bugs has nothing to do with their music it’s that almost no one outside the city knows who they are. PDX pumps out great garage bands like insects reproduceby the hundreds but even though they’ve been around for almost a decade, the Bugs emulate their tiny namesakes, purposely flying under the radar to avoid the clinical inspection, capture, and figurative squishing that national recognition and big record deals can invite. No, the Bugs prefer to lurk in the cracks and crevasses of the Portland underground, playing perfect punk rock party tunes at house shows and small clubs while sporadically releasing albums on tiny PDX label Hovercraft. Only those in the know get to appreciate the Bugs’ balls-out, spastic guitar jams and occasional forays into slower, acoustic territory and this time, they’re playing with Berkeley garage rock badasses the Rock N Roll Adventure Kids, an awesome band whose name tells you pretty much all you need to know. This show will be the best rock and roll shindig in the city tonight, hands down.
Fri., Jan. 9, 9:30 p.m., 2009