The race for mayor grows more intriguing by the day, with a

The race for mayor grows more intriguing by the day, with a new poll out this morning that shows Mayor McGinn and state Senator Ed Murray in a virtual tie. The SurveyUSA poll, commissioned by KING 5 News, has Murray leading McGinn by a single point — 22 percent to 21 percent.

Former Seattle City Councilman Peter Steinbrueck is third with 14 percent, followed by Councilman Bruce Harrell with 11 percent. Charlie Staadecker had 3 percent.

With the August 6 primary fast approaching, 25 percent of the 510 likely Seattle voters sampled say they remain undecided.

According to the poll, Murray does well with women, middle-aged voters and the most affluent, while McGinn leads all candidates among voters age 18-to-34, Hispanics and people with incomes below $40,000.

Steinbueck has good support among independents, moderates and older voters. Harrell has strong support from seniors and Asian Americans.

The top two vote getters in the primary will advance to the general election in November.

The race remains quite fluid, even though McGinn and Murray appear to have taken a commanding position to survive the primary. A similar KING 5 News poll taken in July 2009 had then-Mayor Greg Nickels leading the pack by a comfortable margin. He eventually lost to McGinn and Joe Mallahan in the primary.