Hey, it’s Earth Day. This evening, Ethan Stowell’s Anchovies & Olives and

Hey, it’s Earth Day. This evening, Ethan Stowell’s Anchovies & Olives and Bar Cotto are offering four locally-sourced, sustainable plates concocted by chef Zach Chambers. Half of the proceeds from the specials goes to sustainable food education non-profit Chefs Collaborative. In addition, Cupcake Royale is featuring an Earth Day-themed chocolate cakelet containing an everything-but-the-kitchen-sink ingredient list, including coconut, coffee, and Tim’s Original potato chips.

Also, this afternoon beginning at 11:30, the cafe at Starbucks HQ is being turned into a culinary classroom for Bon Appetit Management Company’s 6th annual Low Carbon Diet Day. Low-carbon recipes will be demoed, including almond-fruit smoothies and edamame burgers. The event at 2401 Utah Ave S. in SoDo is free and open to the public.