Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20)
Let’s face it—you’re easily distracted. I don’t blame you. The world’s a fascinating place, and you’re interested in so many parts of it. Unfortunately, that passion for all life has to offer can sometimes mean you lack focus. Without sustained attention, there are some tasks you’ll just fail at and some situations you’ll never be able to get deeply into (often including relationships). The only solution (this week, at least) is to put on blinders if necessary, and completely block out all potential diversions, so you can concentrate entirely on the task at hand.
Aries (March 21–April 19)
Imagine you decided to start working out, but only focused on one muscle—your left bicep, for example. Your body would soon begin to look rather odd. No matter your workout goal—to become more attractive, capable, or simply healthy—you’d benefit best from a holistic approach; even if you focused more intensely on a specific muscle group, you’d still strive for balance and symmetry. That’s exactly the kind of approach you should adopt here, even though your workouts are more likely to be mental or spiritual than physical. Remember, even if you hope to strengthen a specific aspect of who you are, you’d do best to work on your whole being.
Taurus (April 20–May 20)
It’s as if you’d spent days or weeks carefully planting explosives along all the supporting structures of a bridge before you decided that you actually didn’t want to blow the thing up after all. Of course, it would’ve been better if you could’ve figured that out before you orchestrated this sabotage, but it’s too late now. At this point, you’ve just got to put in some time carefully defusing all those bombs and hiding the evidence that you planted them in the first place (such evidence could be nearly as destructive as a full-blown explosion). Hurry up, clock’s ticking.
Gemini (May 21–June 20)
Just because you find most social situations (relatively) easy to deal with, don’t assume that your friends, who are charming and outgoing in comfortable surroundings, will enter these more challenging scenarios with the same ease you do. You’re confident enough to jump blindly into a pool, knowing that no matter how deep or cold it is, you’ll find a way to swim. Most of the people you hang with are more cautious than that, and might rather wade in. Since your buddies are outside of their comfort zones here, why not throw them a life preserver—or swim in and get them?
Cancer (June 21–July 22)
Make healthier choices. That’s not to say that the habits you’ve adopted thus far are terribly unhealthy, but you could always eat better, get more exercise, and consciously adopt more tolerant attitudes. This is a good week to make decisions and cultivate new routines that will result in greater overall well-being. If you need a bit of help with what that might mean for you in particular, think carefully about who in your life might be in the best position to point you in the right direction. One person in particular is especially well-suited to get you on the right track (hint: It’s not necessarily your best friend); go ask them.
Leo (July 23–Aug. 22)
Because Leos have a natural tendency to be incredibly reliant on others’ opinions to boost their self-esteem, it’s good for you to cultivate emotional independence; however, be careful of isolating yourself too much. A little feedback from the people around you is a useful tool to make sure you haven’t gone too far off-track or into your own little world. Some Leos go too far in cultivating emotional independence, putting up walls to shield them from outside criticism or negativity; unfortunately, these can also make them immune to praise and affection. This is a good week to make sure those walls are as thin and low as they could possibly be. If they’re not, break some of them down, won’t you?
Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)
You may think your dear old friends are friends forever—and in some ways they probably are. However, a bond based on once having been close is a far cry from one in which current intimacy is the foundation. In other words, these relationships need time and effort put into them. This isn’t about what you can consequently get out of them (although you will find that the more you invest in these long-term friendships, the richer your life will feel); it’s about honoring the past with some attention and energy in the present. Put some time aside this week to do exactly that.
Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)
Many Libras have a problem with expressing anger. Because you want everyone to get along, and despise confrontation, you do sometimes push your anger aside (or shove it deep down) and pretend it doesn’t exist. For reasons that should be obvious, this isn’t particularly healthy. That doesn’t mean you need to flip your shit every time you get pissed off; however, the next time you are vexed by something, it’s perfectly appropriate to find some way that feels right to actually vocalize it. Make a promise to yourself this week: The very next time something ticks you off, you’ll address it right then and there.
Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)
Although you’re frequently the catalyst for huge life transformations (for yourself and others), when dramatic change comes from some other source, you often don’t cope all that well. However, don’t flip out. Sure, you’re probably not crazy about these uninvited alterations, but this is a good opportunity to put yourself in others’ shoes. The last time you did something big, who handled it best (and who did the worst)? This week, try to emulate those who adopted the new status quo with grace, and avoid behaving like those who just made it more difficult for everyone (including themselves).
Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)
Don’t get too attached to your role in any given situation. In fact, this week it might be a good idea to mix things up; if you’re the one calling the shots, take a backseat and keep your mouth shut while you let someone else make the decisions (even, and especially, if you think they’re bad ones). That won’t be easy for you, but do it anyway. It’s not just good practice for you; it’s a chance for someone else to step up and learn how to do stuff for themselves (and make their own mistakes). Don’t deny someone else the opportunity to explore their own potential; sit down and chill out and just let them do it.
Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
There are some things you can control and some you can’t. Over the years, you’ve gotten pretty good at determining which is which, and at not wasting your energy trying to move the immovable or corrupt the incorruptible. However, this week is a bit of an aberration; things you traditionally have no say over could be subject to your influence right now—so don’t write them off and ignore them! Revisit old assumptions and try your hand at switching things up and making changes to stuff you thought unchangeable. It’ll probably yield better results than you ever thought possible.
Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
The snow is falling outside my window, and the world is painted in white. Although it’s very pretty, it’s important to remember what lies beneath all that pure, pristine snow. You may not have to worry about sharp pointy things lurking underneath frozen precipitation, but there are other pretty facades that could fool you this week if you’re not careful. Enjoy the beauty you’re surrounded by, but remember to carry your emotional X-ray-vision goggles and be aware of what else is going on just beneath the surface; it’s almost certainly a lot more important than the stuff you can plainly see.