Gynecologist Lissa Rankin regularly gets drunk dialed by girlfriends who ask her questions they would never ask their own doctors. Inspired by these awkward calls, she solicited more such questions from friends, family, and Facebook and Twitter users for Whats Up Down There? Questions Youd Only Ask Your Gynecologist If She Was Your Best Friend (St. Martins Griffin, $14.99). The response was overwhelming, allowing the Bay Area physician to answer inquiries ranging from the curiousDo some women really have teeth in their vagina?to the serious. (E.g., is it okay to drink an occasional glass of wine while pregnant?) Rankin avoids passing judgment, instead sharing helpful but often hilarious insights about our nether regions. And if theres something embarrassing youd like to ask in person, tonights event includes cocktails to help provide some liquid courage. Or, you can also submit written questions anonymously by inserting them inside a stuffed vulva. It wont bite. (Also: Arundel Books, 1001 First Ave., 7 p.m. Tues.) ERIKA HOBART
Mon., Nov. 8, 4:30 p.m.; Tue., Nov. 9, 7 p.m., 2010