Uncover the secrets of that old pottery in the attic, or the antique jewelry you got from Grandma, or those decaying animal teeth youve been saving for just the right occasion. The experts at the Burke Museum will figure out the mysteries of all those cultural artifacts and biological specimens you keep thinking about tossing but then change your mind for fear that you might later realize they were worth something. And if you harbor concerns that your precious heirlooms are worth nothing, be comforted in the knowledge that the curators wont tell you. There will be no appraisals on Artifact ID Day, but if you bring a Northwest Coast or Pacific Rim object you cant identify, you might walk away with a really great story. And while youre there, check out the new exhibit of Plateau art and culture, This Place Called Home. Burke Museum, 17th Avenue Northeast and Northeast 45th Street, UW campus, 543-5590, www.burkemuseum.org. Free. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. BRENT ARONOWITZ
Sat., Feb. 9, 1-4 p.m., 2008