Attention, Gem State ladies! Have you ever been hanging out at a

Attention, Gem State ladies! Have you ever been hanging out at a bar in Boise and received a breast exam from a Dr. Berlyn Aussieahshowna? Think hard–we know all those bar-room boob examinations tend to run together. But if so, then the procedure you endured was likely not at the hands of a medically licensed doctor, but a deranged transgender woman named Kristina Ross.Ross pleaded guilty to two counts of battery on Thursday for essentially running a groping scam at various bars.Having been convicted once of battery in 2003–then as a man–Ross is now identified as a woman (it’s unclear whether she’s completed a sex-change operation), and during an initial court hearing last year, the prosecutor seemed to point out not one, but two deceptions that she committed.Per the Idaho Statesman:”The most concerning facts here are that (Ross) is not a doctor and that (Ross) is a male touching women’s breasts under the guise of being a female doctor.”Ross’ exams were apparently professional enough to inspire several of her “patients” to seek additional care with her, as multiple attempted appointments were sought with “Dr. Berlyn Aussieahshowna,” the bizarre pseudonym Ross chose, although no one could ever track down her or her secretary. It’s just too bad for Ross that she didn’t invest the same amount of creative energy into not getting caught as she did into choosing a fake doctor’s name.Follow The Daily Weekly on Facebook and Twitter.