Remember those Freeze Pops (also known as Otter Pops), the plastic tubes of liquid that you put in the freezer and then suck like a lollipop? Well, now, thanks to The Green Lady, you can get weed in ’em.Green Lady Pops come in assorted fruit flavors, they really do taste great (full disclosure: you can taste cannabis in them, which is never a problem for me), and they will definitely get you medicated.I tried a green colored Green Lady Pop (the flavors weren’t labeled), and was pleasantly surprised at just how good it was. Part of it, undoubtedly, was the nostalgia factor, since I haven’t had a Freeze Pop of any kind in, oh, about 35 or 40 years. But nostalgia only goes so far; this thing was actually good.Since I tasted cannabis in the thing, I wasn’t shocked when, about 45 minutes after ingestion, I got a pleasantly spacy feeling along with pronounced and blessed pain relief. After enjoying the relaxation and cessation of pain for an hour or so, I retired to a night of sleep that was much more restful than it otherwise would have been.Watch for Green Lady sodas, freeze pops and medibles in the cooler and medibles case of your favorite medical-marijuana access point in the Seattle area, including all Conscious Care Cooperative locations.