Tatsuo Nakata, a 29-year-old aide to City Councilmember David Della, has died

Tatsuo Nakata, a 29-year-old aide to City Councilmember David Della, has died after being struck by a station wagon in a marked West Seattle crosswalk yesterday morning, the Seattle Times reports. This tragedy comes with an opportunity: to point out the general blind spots amongst our vehicle-operating populous. In D.C. and New York City, drivers tailgate like they’re in a NASCAR race. In St. Louis, they don’t stop at unmarked crosswalks and run reds. In Illinois, drivers seem to have no idea that the far left lane is for faster cars.By way of comparison, Seattle drivers are generally pretty good. But one thing I’ve noticed since I’ve moved back home and commuted to work by foot is that, generally speaking, our motorists are not as cognizant of pedestrians as they should be. I’ve almost been bowled over by cars taking “free” rights while I’ve got the walk signal; and was almost hit in the entry to the Edgewater Hotel parking lot last week by a left-turner who failed to note that there was a pedestrian in the crosswalk. That people have to die to slam this point home is a travesty. A good rule to go by: Pedestrians always have the right of way — even when they don’t. Wake the fuck up.