Sexual ambiguity at Bastille Puzzlement at Cupcake RoyaleGenerally, good design can only help a restaurant. But there are moments when such “thoughtful” design can seem overwrought and annoying…like when you have to pee and can’t for the life of you figure out if you’re standing in front of the men’s room or the ladies’ room. This unfortunate scenario has been occurring too often lately. Exhibit A:
Bastille, where the ladies’ room sign (labeled “WC” for European authenticity) features a picture of….a fedora-wearing, umbrella-toting character straight out of Victor/Victoria. Exhibit B: The brand new (and beautiful) Capitol HIll Cupcake Royale, where the high design extends to the indicators on the doors of the restrooms. Does this symbol mean “unisex” or is it a hot-pink IQ test puzzle? Bathrooms, however pretty you want to make them, are functional spaces. You go in, do your business, you go out. Restroom signs should not make normally competent people question their intelligence and panic about their ability to hold it in. So if you’re opening a new restaurant, please consider practicality, even if it comes in the form of simple, brown plastic signs that say “Men” and “Women.”