Tigerlily, Annabella Bird, and Emiko are Bleachbear, arguably the coolest teen girls

Tigerlily, Annabella Bird, and Emiko are Bleachbear, arguably the coolest teen girls in Seattle right now. Thoughtful, intelligent, and talented, it’s hard to believe they’re between 14 and 16. But a dead giveaway is their endearing enthusiasm (the band’s Facebook page lists their interests as “camping, hiking, music festivals, great vintage finds, social causes, basketball, chocolate, and mint chocolate chip ice cream!”). Then there’s the music: a style of dreamy pop/grunge/folk rock—as heard on Bleachbear’s superb debut, Lost Parade—and catchy melodies juxtaposed against Tigerlily’s tear-stained lyrics. Such adolescent angst has a body count—the hearts of hundreds of fans. bleachbear.bandcamp.com/album/lost-parade

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