Her show, “The Only Thing Im Protesting (Is the War Against the Self?),” is a bit of a mouthful, but Yaros deploys modest materials into her personal battle. Rifles and antiwar slogans figure among her imagery, with quotations faintly inscribed on paper (via letterpress) and more legibly on the floor. Her aphorisms, recalling Barbara Kruger, are borrowed from Buddhist and Taoist sources, and no foreign countries or conflicts are actually named. Her simple, cheap reiterations (“Ready, blame, fire!”) overlap and blur into a cloud of rhetoric–more like solitary prayer than shouting at some teargassed rally. The meaning of small delicately balanced figures–sculpture executed in paper–is less clear. Yaros makes art and teaches yoga, both having to do with the intersection of mind and body. She uses flimsy, impermanent media to suggest that revolution lies within. BRIAN MILLER
Fridays, Saturdays, 12-5 p.m. Starts: April 2. Continues through May 1, 2010