What’s in a Game?

Inside the growing community of pinball-playing women making a scene in Seattle.

Seattle has a little-known claim to fame: It is one of the pinball capitals of the world. Competitive pinball tournaments are a nightly occurrence here—and a lot of the players are internationally ranked. But for a very long time, most of those players were men. Host Sara Bernard heads down to Add-A-Ball arcade in Fremont, lets the plunger fly, and introduces us to a growing cadre of badass women who are taking over a game that was, once upon a time, against the law.

Featuring interviews with Maureen Hendrix, Kelsie Sherman-Hall, Zac Petersen, Lauren Aquino, and Kayla Greet.

Music by The Shrugs and Leeni Ramadan

This week’s cover photo was taken during a Babes in Pinland tournament of 2016.
